Feeling Surprised
It's official, I've become a middle aged parent. Why you ask. Well, number 1 daughter left school yesterday. She is one of the youngest people in her year, so she is still 16, yet has completed and extra year in school. This is the start of her study leave and she will be returning back to school to do the odd exam, but that's it. No more school for her. Of course she may want to go to college, but that's an entirley different prospect.
I must be getting old because there is a van parked outside and it is playing the loudest music ever and I want to go out and hit them. Normally it would be me playing the loud music and the neighbours complaining. Where does the time go to. I remember leaving school, and the worry about getting a job, then meeting my beloved. It seems like only yesterday, when in fact it was 21 years ago. I sometimes forget how old I am, then I look in the mirror and am reminded of it when I see this middle aged pudding staring back at me.
I was supposed ot be going to my SnB tonight, but I don't feel well and my right leg is swollen up for no reason. I miss not seeing the girls, we have a good laugh and are rude about our partners. We also get some knitting done, but not as much as any of us would like.
I started on a new project today, can't say much though because the recipient might be listening. I will say that it is going to be big, and is a blur of various shades of pink. It isn't pastel pinks either, there are bright day glo pinks in it, and raspberry colours, it almost looks like a raspberry ripple ice cream. I only started it last night and have managed to do about and inch and a half already, so it is fairly cracking on.
I just realised the music isn't the van outside, but it is from number 1 daughter, oh yeah, I can kick her butt :-) I feel happy now.
Eh, you're not old. Imagine how I felt when Lynne dragged me down onto the field to see Billy Idol and Social Distortion. :)
Comment from theycallmemum - 24/05/05 15:56
LOL, we were listening to some 80's stuff the other night, and the kids thought we were mad because we were singing along. #2 daughter loves most of the stuff I liked at her age.
Comment from gazandt - 09/06/05 12:00
Comment from gazandt - 09/06/05 12:00