Monday, March 28, 2005


Well, the project has been started, the yarn finally arrived on Thursday. I've plodded along and done four different samples. I was going to pop them in the post tomorrow, when I got an email fom the student I'm helping. She's done a sample or two on her own, and has made them using bigger needles and has asked me to do my samples on the same size needles and send her scans of the finished pieces. I don't know whether to spit or rip it all out and start again. Of course the decision is hers entirely, she's the designer, but Bugger, BUGGER, BUGGER!!! I've sent her scans of the samples I've done and am awaiting a reply.

I have been waiting to start this project for the longest time, but am getting nervous now. What if she doesn't like my work, what if I make a mistake, what if..............

To calm my nerves I started a scarf in my bagpuss yarn. I will post piccie when I've finished. It's looking quite good. I got the idea from the Clapotis on Knitty , but have adapted it for a straight scarf. I was going to try a felted bag, but couldn't be bothered going out to the garage to get my mega thick needles.

Well it's 2.45am and well past my bedtime, so I'm off to dream about knitting ;-)

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